How will San Jose residents travel around the city in 20 years — or get around downtown in 10? There could be more neighborhoods in the city with amenities within walking distance. There could be light-rail trains moving underground through downtown or dedicated bus lanes next to green bike lanes.

These are all ideas being explored as city transportation officials figure out how to reach the climate-based goals for 2040 set out in the general plan. And they’re turning to the people who actually drive on the roads, ride the buses and use bike lanes to find out how they want to get around in the future. I’ve always been a fan of personal jet packs, but that’s one option that doesn’t seem to be on the table.

And, yes, the ultimate goal is to get more single drivers out of their cars, but there’s an acknowledgement that the automobile’s going to be part of the mix. So the question becomes, how do you make it easier and more desirable for people to walk, bike, carpool or take transit?

An online workshop on the citywide plan is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Nov. 12 (with others to follow over the following week in ASL, Spanish and Vietnamese). You can register for that and take a survey at

Concurrently, there’s also an effort over the next year to craft a downtown transportation plan, with a goal of better connecting the neighborhoods that make up the greater downtown — from Japantown in the northeast to Calle Willow in the southwest. And with big changes already in the works for the Diridon Station area and other segments of downtown because of Google and BART’s eventual arrival, this seems like the perfect time to figure out how to create more seamless — and safer — ways to get around.

There’s a survey for this one, too, as well as a contest to design a logo for the Downtown Transportation Plan (with a $700 grand prize and $100 prizes for three runners-up). You can take the survey, plus get more information on the plan and the contest at

VIRTUAL VIRTUOSOS: Steinway Society President Kathy Yu Wilson says the group’s Home Concert Hall series — which has three virtual shows remaining this fall — has some advantages over listening to the lineup of international classical pianists in an auditorium. “Every seat is a front-row seat, and there’s only one charge per household,” she said.

Of course, the real advantage is being able to listen to the music and help the artists whose livelihoods have been severely threatened by the coronavirus pandemic. The season, which launched in October with Italian pianist Federico Colli, continues with Russian performers Zlata Chochieva on Nov. 13-16 and Vyacheslav Gryaznov on Dec. 18-21.

The series is sponsored by the Santa Clara County branch of the Music Teachers of America in memory of longtime members Freida Ann Murphy. Tickets to each show are just $20, which is a big discount over in-person concerts. Get more information at

HOLIDAY SHOPPING FOR OTHERS: Yes, it’s barely November but Shop With a Cop Foundation Silicon Valley already is gearing up for its 13th annual Heroes and Helpers holiday shopping spree. With COVID-19 restrictions, however, the 240 low-income and at-risk kids the foundation hosts won’t be able to do in-person shopping this year with a law enforcement officer.

Instead, volunteers will purchase items online from the wish lists of the elementary school kids, which will be distributed by law enforcement and other volunteers at an event Dec. 12.

Executive Director Darrell Cortez says the foundation only has raised about $28,000 of its $40,000 goal. “The demand “We are in need of donors and corporate support,” he said. “Our donations are way down this year, and the demand for assistance is great now than ever before.”

Donations are accepted online at