OAKLAND — Dozens of relatives and friends of people murdered in Oakland spoke out at police headquarters Saturday afternoon, some expressing anger and frustration that the cases have not been solved by police and most agreeing the community has to step up to help stop the violence and bring killers to justice.

Two police commanders present said they are taking to heart what they heard and said the department would do better in solving cases and keeping family members more appraised of how investigations are progressing.

The emotional event was organized by Brenda Grisham, whose 17-year-old son, Christopher LaVell Jones was fatally shot and his sister wounded outside their East Oakland home On Dec. 31, 2010. Police have identified possible suspects but still don’t have enough evidence for prosecutors to charge anyone.

Grisham, who founded the Christopher LaVell Jones Foundation, and is the executive director of Their Lives Matter and also a member of the city’s Department of Violence Prevention, said she is frustrated that no one has been charged yet in her son’s killing or in  thousands of others over the years.

She said police and the district attorney’s office could do a better job of arresting and prosecuting suspects “but they can’t do their job unless we step up as a community and help.”  She said too many families are being hurt by not only the killings of loved ones, but by the fact no one is being prosecuted in many of them. Police and the district attorney and families, “can’t do it alone,” she said.  “We need your help. No one should have to go through this.”

Eva Ayers, whose 35-year-old brother Kanem Ayers was killed Feb. 14, 2014 at 24th and Market streets in West Oakland in a shooting where a 16-year-old boy was also killed, is upset with the lack of progress in the case and that she has not been kept updated, like many others in attendance said. “Of course we are angry. Every family is angry. If anyone out there has a heart, step up. Please help our families.”

Kesse Taylor, whose son Anthony Terrel Custer was killed in July 2015, and has who has lost other relatives to gun violence, said her heart “still feels ripped out every day.” She wants more communication from police and “justice for my son. We need these cases solved.”

Ramon Price, whose 17-year-old son Lamont Price was shot to death in February 2012, said he understands why people want police held more accountable  but said “you can’t just blame police. Police can only do so much. We need the community to help. Stand up, step up, speak up.”

Drennon Lindsey, Interim Deputy Chief of Police for the Bureau of Investigation, said she was “so happy everyone has come together today to show support and unity for a common goal.  In my heart I fell the pain the families are going through. I stand with them and support them.  We as a department will do everything to support you and bring closure for you and bring people to justice.”

Lt. Fred Shavies, commander of the 12-investigator homicide section, which has solved just under 50 percent of this year’s 94 murders, which is slightly lower than previous years, said he appreciated “everyone for being here” and expressing their concerns. He promised “we will do better to solve cases and interface with families who have lost loved ones.”