DEAR HARRIETTE: I never know how to tell someone no.

Harriette Cole 

I know my limits, and when I am overworked, but I want to be the person at work who always puts the best foot forward. I think some don’t see me as a hard worker; they see me as someone who will do their work.

My parents always taught me that volunteering once in a while will give me a good reputation and hopefully lead to my superiors seeing me as someone they’d think of to give a big project to and, eventually, a promotion.

But my reputation has just given my superiors and their assistants the idea that they can drop their problems or difficult tasks to fix on me. There are a number of things coming to me from all directions.

How do I backtrack from the side work and say no? Or should I just suck it up and keep on the road I’ve been heading down? Is this what it takes?

Piled Up Work

DEAR PILED UP WORK: It is time for you to employ strategy. What do you want for yourself at your job? What role? What responsibilities?

Have you talked to your superiors about that? As you so generously offer to help others, you should begin to steer your offers to areas where you can learn and grow — and show your company your capabilities.

By the way, being able to solve problems and successfully handle difficult tasks is an asset. Just make sure that you let your superiors know that you are capable of doing more. Since you have helped to come up with solutions for other things, encourage them to give you more tasks that are in alignment with your goals.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am entering my junior year in college and am having second thoughts of changing my major.

I currently major in physical education to become a gym teacher, but I’ve become worried that it is too specific and maybe I should focus on children’s education in general and major in early childhood education.

Switching majors means losing time and credits that I have already done, and I’ll need to spend more time and money to get caught up in the new major. I am worried about being set back in school and having to spend more money to make up the different classes I will need.

Is it worth it to start over in my junior year, or should I keep working on the degree I am near done with?

Taking a Step Backward

DEAR TAKING A STEP BACKWARD: Talk to your academic adviser at your college. Do research on opportunities in your two areas of interest. This will help you to make an informed decision.

My gut says that if you are trained in gym and early childhood education you may be setting yourself up for a wealth of opportunities. Our world is changing, and how we educate will be part of that. For a while, gym may be less important because of social distancing requirements, but it will come back.

Our children must be educated. Being on the forefront of teaching our young minds is important. If you can afford the time and resources, you may want to consider a dual major so that you become skilled in both areas.

Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.